Monday, November 21, 2011

All was fine till I came back.

You had to burst my bubble of this make-believe. I have already decided to accept the remnants of what I'm left with, but guess even that is too much for me. So looks like I don't even deserve to have this bit of happiness.

Maybe it never was fine, but I stupidly decided to accept that you changed deep down. Since that unforgettable incident last year. Suddenly, it makes me dread being near you, or the rest of us here. It's not supposed to be the case. I thought I only have you all. Now even that's debatable.

You know it doesn't matter whether it's intentional or not. Sometimes the things that you blurt out without thinking twice are the things that you really mean. And I get it.

No matter what I do, it's never enough.

Econs paper 2 didn't went so well, but it's alright cos' I know I did my best. I was constantly fighting to be fine, and I was. Especially with the two girls who absolutely made my day after that... (haha won't forget such an epic night y'two :) ) Until, now. Who was to expect such a day had to end on such a bad note? Right now I'm just broken. Everything horrible happening in my life just flashed past and momentarily, I feel like a failure.


Tomorrow will be a better day. Maybe.

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