Monday, September 5, 2011

I Don't Wanna Be.

Hihihihihihihihi I'm back after a very confused phase of my life.

I don't wanna be someone I know I'm not, so it's all gonna stop here. HAHA I read most of my older posts and I realised I've been a VERY SAD PERSON FOR THE PAST YEAR OR SO! HAHA. Not gonna dwell anymore.

thanks Kemei for your postcard... hmm I think it's, "spectacular" even though you don't think so HAHA! It was great studying with you yesterday, though I was busy sniffing and dealing with migraines :( Haha & our failed attempts at making Kho Rm jealous! But it was fun nevertheless, laughing at her smses that she herself had no idea was so hilarious. :)

& thanks for waking me up at 6.30am today like you said you would heehee.

On a side note, Lynnie injured her hand by smashing it into a light bulb and landed in A&E 2 days ago! I had a total shock of my life I called her immediately only to realise she wasn't answering. Hahahah then she texted me like 2hrs later to tell me she's fine. Anyway, how she landed in that situation is beyond me haha, gonna listen to her story SOON. Don't text so much already Wuen Lynn haha!

Okay, the weather is erratic and everyone is falling sick lately. Okay, or maybe just me... hmm taking a panadol each day for 5 days straight now :{ It's time to stop before I get hooked :/ Yep so anyway, take care all of you peeps because... exams are just round the corner. Boohoo! :(

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