Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chasing Cars

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?

It gets so tiring to chase after that which will never stop for a moment to look back, or slow down in its truest desire for you to catch up with. It's pointless chasing after something you know is not intended for you, not meant to be, and seemingly out of reach.

We never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory. So apt.

Seeing friends leave, literally or figuratively, it's all sad. Yet why do we only realise what we have when we lost it? Or in a totally different scenario, even when we cherish those around us very much, why can't we stop them from going away anyway? I guess.. cos' meeting and parting, that's life, that's all a part of God's greater plan to let us know we are so small, so defenseless to time and His purpose.

Anyway, lunch with Joanne and Shuyi today was great. I'm glad we got to catch up after months of drifting apart. Well, not really. Just, we've had less contact. Sad to say, Joanne's gonna leave for UK next Mon! Oh well she'll be back because she loves Singapore. HAHA it's okay, we part to meet again! :)

The day after that was just hours of chilling with Lynnie, and we made new discoveries and motivation today heehee! Can't wait for us to put plan into action oh yeah hahaha :}

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