Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Brighter than the sun.

Late night mugging, afternoon naps, morning frenzy. It's not gonna end here, it's gonna be doubly intense from here henceforth. BRING IT ON! :)

Hahahahahaha I say this easily because my prelims end today. And a couple of days later I won't guarantee the frown won't be back. In any case, I'm gonna stay P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E. or at the very least, TRY. Come what may! Anyway, the stats paper today was more than a little difficult to me, if you ask. But no complaints, just gonna work harder. The History paper was killing my master hand and no amount of massage seemed to work in the midst of that 3hrs, not that I had any time to massage my hands for that matter. (Unlike some of my classmates who had spare time to SOLVE MATHS QUESTIONS after completing their essays, like seriously?! HAHA.)

Bus ride to tpy(hilarious), train ride to dhoby. Bus ride to Parkway, bus ride home. Spending 4 whole hours with LeeJA wasn't too bad. Hahahha she's gonna kill me if she sees this, after I sent her a "so shweet text" heehee. It was a blast and almost as if we had no more exams, ever. If only! Anyway, it's nice to relieve old times and joke around like foooools with the classmates. And seeing how far we've all come. I bet our jokes were so funny strangers wanted to laugh too. It wouldn't be so annoying if we weren't so noisy, though. 

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