Saturday, June 30, 2012

Can I, really?

He fell in love with her that very moment.

We are racing against time.


All the assignments and projects and exams... arghhhhh.
But God is gracious, I can do this!!!

Meeting JA yesterday despite this tight schedule of mine and my extreme lethargy was anything but disappointing. It was always the case. ^^ Cheer up babe, hope your Batam trip turned out to be a blast!! :-) Hehe, and I'm glad I told you what I told you. Xoxo.

PS, Soci presentation this coming Tuesday oh mannnnnnnnnnn (nerve-wrecking for more than one reason)

On a side note, I really thank God I met Denise in UB (again) on top of the fact that we only really got to know each other like say, 6 years later? HAHA. Okay and heyyyyy you are right, we must "maintain"!!! So I shall dream of you tonight instead hahaha!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

At the end of the day, you are still you.

I guess in short, today was kinda bittersweet?

There are certain things to thank God for, just as there always will be. But just when I thought things were perfect the way they are now... I had to be proven wrong. I felt like a fool. Honestly, a little uncertain, lost and hurt? :( I'll be fine.

Suddenly feeling so alone again.

On a happier note, there is great comfort in establishing a connection with a person with seemingly the same wavelength as you in terms of thoughts... That is to me, the most precious of all things. It brings communication to a whole new level. A kind of mutual understanding although nothing has been shared.

Sometimes you have to step outside of the person you've been, and remember the person you were meant to be, the person you wanted to be, the person you are.


Spain vs Portugal semi-finals almost killed me!!!

It wasn't one of Spain's best performing matches and they only stepped up their game in extra time (which was kinda late obviously......) so it was freaking hard to watch them fight against time and struggle to get a goal at the last minute. Portugal defended well though, but as usual the players were SO aggressive and dramatic I feel like slapping their faces haha (especially Ronaldo) HAHA. Typical of Portugal eww. Okay it wasn't funny coz at that point of time I was so frustrated that Spain was trying and passing and kicking and getting nowhere near a goal :(

SO ANYWAY IT CAME DOWN TO PENALTY SHOOT-OUTS. My heart was beating so fast and I was so nervous I think I totally disconnected with my physical body. Hahahahaha. Then Xabi kicked the first penalty and missed (suddenly I was feeling more sad for him than for Spain AT THAT INSTANT coz he looked so disappointed with himself :((((( ) But it turned out the Spaniards scored the remaining penalties with Fabregas kicking the winning goal hehehee good job Cesc xoxoxo!


I really pray Spain plays like how they did in the extra time for the finals against (I would say Germany hahaha) and be the first country to win the Euros twice in a row. So they say it's impossible. But, hehe I have faith in them!

On a side note, I find it so unacceptable that Fernando didn't get to play in the semis at all :( Okay I'm whining but...but-... but it really saddens me to see him so sad sitting at the bench. I mean, he's not worthless to the extent that he can't contribute at all right?! Surely his 2 goals scored against Ireland meant something. It is no wonder the Torres today has no confidence when he gets the ball. Criticism comes in for him so easily and there's no sign of any acknowledgement when he starts to up his game. I say he thrives on positivity. But that's just my opinion oh well it doesn't change anything. Fernando brace up! Anyway, even so he was so happy for his team mates when they won the penalty shoot-outs. Hehe pretty boy has a pretty heart. Oh no why am I so cheesy? Hahahahah love you Spain!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

"Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief."

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?

Grief is like the ocean. It’s deep and dark and bigger than all of us. And pain is like a thief in the night. Quiet. Persistent. Unfair. Diminished by time and fate and love.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dusk And Summer

We watch the season pull up its own stakes
And catch the last weekend of the last week
Before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced,
Another sun soaked season fades away

It constantly amazes me how time just gets ahead of me before I even know it. It's been three weeks since I've started school at UB and everything's going great so far, putting aside all the assignments and readings starting to pile up, that is. The friends are pleasant company, though that's beside the point since many of us are too preoccupied by work to really have an exciting social life. But of course, that should be the way and we all know it.

Anyway, Psy lecture was interesting today (we learnt about drugs and their effects and a drug-free way TO GET HIGH like seriously what?!?! HAHA), lunch with the og mates was hilarious as always hahaha and ESL today was somehow quite enjoyable I don't know why. HAHA. Oh, and get well soon Eychelleeeeee! :-)

Finally gonna hand in Comms assignment tomorrow, I reallyyyyyy pray I'll do well for the essay after it drove me mad for DAYSSSSSS. :'( I shall not be affected by what others say about the teacher hahaha because the thought of it scares me to death. OKAY BE BRAVE MAG.



Oh and I heard The Script's gonna release their new album finallyyyyyyy! xoxo.

AND AND AND I'm gonna meet the two awesome girls this Sat. Awesome.

Above all, Hello June please be kind. :-)

Shalom everyone!

I watch you spin around in your highest heels
You are the best one, of the best ones
We all look like we feel