Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One can only dream tonight.

Words are no longer sufficient to express the deepest feelings and heartfelt thoughts.

I'm just glad God placed me in 3M 3 years ago and allowed us to grow into 4M, becoming one big happy family. It was and will always be my favourite class and one I hold close to my heart. I guess nobody will ever understand how sweet and beautiful the things we once shared -and still do- were, and these memories will never be eroded by time or the harshness of this world, these ole times.

TSM you've brighten up my day, and at the same time enabled my studying to be so productive! Heehee you are awesome, and retarded as usual hahaha. And nah you are wrong, I don't go crazy over someone so easily. I'm cool like a cucumber. LOL!

Sigh I miss practically the whole of 4M, and the basketballers too haha.

Okay this is today's dose of happiness for me!
Study hard everyone, don't burn out. :}

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