Thursday, March 3, 2011

We don't have forever.

We don't have all the time in the world.

And it scares me. When I was 10, I don't remember having any dreams for myself, or anyone for that matter. When I was 14, I wanted to be a physiotherapist in Liverpool FC because my passion for soccer and love for Fernando Torres and LFC inspired me more than anything else. It seemed unattainable and faraway, yet at the same time, there was an element of hope that there is the possibility accompanied by sheer determination and hard work of achieving those goals. Now that I'm gonna turn 18 in a few months, with a definite knowing of how I've long abandoned that silly aspiration of mine, and the fact that I'm currently embracing the hidden ambition in me that I never dared dream myself to fulfill, I know I'm racing against time. It's not impossible, but. The odds are... unthinkable.

School is getting scary.

My quiet time with God yesterday really hit me hard, and it made me think. It made me trust. Today, something A said made me feel so touched, and at the same time, ashamed of myself and my inability to surrender my life to God. So at this moment, I'm gonna consecrate my life to Him once again. Thank you, even though I bet you never knew how much your words impacted me. :)

Civics lesson today was meaningful, and at the same time light-hearted. Thank God for classmates I've recently grown really close to, and for those I always were. I appreciate them all, and their words, too.

"Douglas Adams once wrote: 'He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream, and he sometimes wondered whose it was, and whether they were enjoying it."

Exact sentiments.

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