Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Apparently They Were Traveling Abroad

Stepping up. It's a simple concept. It basically means to rise above
yourself; to do a little more, to show you something special. Something like
this. Life's funny sometimes; can push pretty hard like when you fall in love
with someone but they forget to love you back, like when your best friend and
your boyfriend leave you alone, like when you pull the trigger or light the
flame and you can't take it back. Like I said, in sports they call this
'stepping up'. In life, I call it 'pushing back".
Malaysia Basketball training tour was a blast, and much better than I had expected. There's so much that happened, but some things are better left unsaid.. and I shall keep them in my heart. There are always electrifying memories worth clinging on too, but at the same time there are the desolate experiences better forgotten. Similarly as much as I would like to filter the bad ones out, I can't. Like the happy times, the inconsolable is stuck with me. At least, for now.

But I'm gonna thank God for these 4 days, because it was absolutely priceless. Despite some disappointments and heartbreaks, some friendships continue growing while new ones were created. As for the others, it's best to bury them deep and say goodbye.

Haha yepp. So anyway, BTs are next week and trust me, I'm nowhere near prepared. This spells trouble. :( I'm not gonna wait till Sunday and whine about the next day's paper. So I'm gonna start right now. Yeahhhhh I am, I am, I am.

I'm gonna do my best for the coming A div's. Praying for God's strength.

It puzzles me, how some people can toy around with people so easily, just for the sake of entertainment and the riddance of boredom, at the expanse of other people's feelings.

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