Thursday, March 10, 2011

Burn, Don't Crash.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take; but by the moments
that take our breath away.

Oh now's the chance to travel.
Where to?
Oh. Okay...
Hey, it's still travelling okay?

Haha contentment breeds happiness.

I had my first BT paper earlier today- General Paper. Wow it's weird how my favourite subject and most hated subject switch places lately. I'm actually enjoying every bit of GP, and hating every moment of maths lectures, maths tutorials, maths... people. Haha! Anyway, let's see... I only completed 1/4 of my AQ since I only had 8mins left for that section. Yeah 'cause I dilly dallied and took my own sweet time boohoo :(

Okay, I'm supposed to feel psyched since I'd be doing the thing I love the most for the next 4 days- travel! But oddly enough, a part of me wish to skip the whole drama that I foresee happening. Then again, it's just basketball training, which is far from HOLIDAY. Note toself: Don't expect too much, don't don't don't!!! But nah, not gonna spoil it for myself. Praying for God's blessings :)

I guess I just dread what comes next. Studying for Bts which I'm totally unprepared for, facing team selections and fighting to do well, mainly, just school and the hectic JC2 life. Typical student's woes.

Bye bye peeps, will be back on the 14th!

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