Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Meet me halfway.

For all it's worth, this has been a good run. Many times I find myself slipping back to where I just started, only to get a grip at the breaking point of remembering how hard I've fought to be where I am, how much I've done to free myself from whatever has been holding me back for way too long. So I continue moving forward and I know I've got what it takes to refrain from falling back to that stage of my life where everything seems so bleak. Just keep walking. It has been a semi-productive day studying with Smilerahz and I did enjoy the partly serious, partly entertaining, and partly interesting conversations we had. Here's to an even more fruitful day of studying tomorrow (and the days after that leading up to finals next week)!

Tonight, I got reminded of too many feelings I would rather not have experienced. But for all it's worth, I'm still here. I'm still living.

Stop getting so emotionally attached to things and people you know will come to pass, mag.

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