Sunday, October 7, 2012

small (free) talks.

so apparently small talks are underrated. at least according to com 225.

free writing. it's basically writing about anything and everything under the sun without structure. i love that. i don't know what's the relevance but oh well. hmm small talk does help avoid awkward situations. haha righttttttttt. oh there, free writing. that's what imma do now. hah.

anywayz, i have been stuck in front of my laptop for the more than an entire day, waiting for inspiration to struck me so i can start doing com 217's CREATIVE assignment. but so far... i've got only the skeleton. sigh, if only this applies to me. literally. hahahahaha. hm it's not funny at all. i cleverly decided to do up my reference list for esl 408 though, so at least one thing is off my mind. woohoo i know how to cite APA style- IN YOUR FACE. haha not like anyone cares. it's actually idiot proof once you get the main idea. which is good for idiots like me bwahaha. but oh well i'm still bothered by my severe lack of creativity. OK i've got the idea but face it, there's this part of me trying to procrastinate my way through. BUT NO IT SHALL NOT HAPPEN. i will complete it by tomorrow. or at least....... make sure 70% is done by then HAHA. okay fine, 75%. arghhhuhhhggg honestly i don't care. i just wanna get it over and done with. of course after putting in like 101% effort. heh heh.

school has been... considerably kind.  i'm thankful. two exams went by, and i'm pretty relieved. although i'm still quite irked by the fact that there's so many assignments due for com 217. deal with it. i should really stop whining like a beach. baby. girl. hahaha MAN UP! everyone's moving on. i guess i can say i'm happy for the friends. i really am. oh anywayzz, there, like all other places, you meet all kinds of people. don't wanna judge so just gonna really thank God for all the nice friends, which to be honest, is really most of my classmates. and i'm contented. hmm.. it has been long. on another note, hahahaha they are really funny. like Laugh Out Loud funny, not "err ok ha-ha" funny. HAHA the thought of it always makes me wanna burst :D

oh random mindless thoughts. how ironic ha ha ha. oh oh lynnie is back in singapore for a few days! gonna see her two days later can't wait I CAN'T WAIT. hehe. recently i have had... no social life. none to mention of, yep. pathetic, sad, boring, yep. life of an old lady, yep. it's almost a prediction of my future oh my this is really quite sad. haha never mind it's alright i can always get rich and buy a farm and ride on horses and unicorns and die among roses. hahah i'm just kidding. no seriously, i am kidding. haha. what's wrong with me? hmm no idea it's 1.27am now. Happy Sunday everyone. i can't sleep oh no this is bad i must sleep soon. like now, NOW. i really have to be early for church tomorrow. yuppp! don't screw up your body clock mag. don't don't don't.

okay. Dashboard Confessional has been accompanying me till late nights recently. we practically ARE bffs. ^^ i don't understand how i missed them when they toured sg previously. grrrr why why WHY? haha nah whatever. have been spamming Dashboard Lifehouse and FM Static s-t-a-aa-ttt--i-c well. Top top top top favorites woots. loving the script's new album minus all the excessive rapping. erm like, seriously TOO MUCH. still good music though.

talked to JA over the phone just now LOL our convo...retarded as always. at this point of time, i'm missing kemei exceptionally much. i really don't know why :( of course, and ruimin and so many other people. but kemei, somehow it seems i haven't seen her for AGES AGES AGES HOW CAN HOW CAN. oh, and lynntoh haha but i'll be seeing her soon!

just this couple of days... it dawned on me what's the kind of person i really admire most. and it makes me happy knowing that there are still people like that in this world. maybe i'll never meet someone like that, but i'm happy for whoever does. it's a blessing to have someone who genuinely loves and cares for you. cherish them. :-)

good night all xoxo

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