Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Even if this is goodbye

Words can't describe our chemistry. :-)

Last night when I first saw her I literally felt my heart leap for joy! It has been wayyyy too long :( But I'm glad to see that she's doing fabulously well!! It was time well spent, even though I have assignments due tomorrow and I was supposed to be panicking yesterday. (I did, just not during the period of time spent with spastic Lynn haha) Dinner at Holland V nydc followed by a nearly 2hrs walk to Tiong Bahru MRT hahaha, while we reminsce AND update each other on the latest and juiciest news (more of hers than mine duh HAHAH). And it was reallyyyy crazy, the things we talked about!! She would know. Hm and, time really flies.

Take care love!! (I mean it and you know it)

I hate goodbyes and I hate separation even more. But times like these always cause me to think about the same kinda things.. over and over again.


PSS, not really looking forward to seeing how I'd do for this since creativity really isn't my strong suit... :( 

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