Wednesday, April 4, 2012

With Arms Outstretched

Hi babe, remember last night? That will be how we spend our nights forever and more. Don't for one second doubt that. Goosebumps much? Hehe I don't care. You are probably smiling like a retarde now anyways bwahaha! I'm glad you are intoxicated by my skin deep touching letter (HAHA), and I wish I had a camera to capture your sappy moment assuming you were on the verge of bawling. Haha you know I love you! :}

Oh one more thing, you know I'll always be here for you with arms outstretched, and this time round, it's not anyone's arms but mine hahaha. (you get it.) I better see yours too whenever I need a hug or more (like squeezing your arm fats hahahaha!) Okay I take back my words. You are so gonna get slender arms soon anyway ;) *Inside joke teehehehe. What are friends for? :)

Lastly, I miss school days with you.

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