Monday, May 7, 2012

God works in miraculous ways. I can't emphasize that enough.

For the past few weeks, the course of my life seemed to have changed a million times and the people who have stood by my side all these while would now know that despite all the heartaches, heartbreaks, things are starting to turn out, manifestly for the best. Just when I thought all's lost, He gave me my heart's desire, made me realise what is important and what is it I actually want. God never leaves us. And when we are feeling unable, that's when we need Him more than ever. We forget that. I've conveniently forgotten that, but I thank God for His bountiful mercies. 

The words and actions of true friends constantly astound me. The extent that they will go to give you all the help, support and love in the world.. it all leaves me speechless. Very few of them, yet very precious. You know who they are only when a storm hits you. One that leaves you defenseless and half-dead.

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