Wednesday, May 23, 2012

All that counts.

Irrevocably, nothing will ever be the same.

On a separate note, it's only the third day but I'm already feeling so swarmed up by assignments and the amount of work thrown to us. But surprisingly, I kinda enjoy it. Honestly. Haha I have even more reason to put in all I've got. The close friends would know. But first and foremost above all things, I gotta thank the Almighty Father above! Truly, it is only by God's grace I can adapt so quickly and so well to the environment, and most importantly the wonderful friends. We come from diversified backgrounds and many of us had vastly different experiences, some painful ones. Yet, we still have within in us that one common goal and desire that is inexplicable to those outside of us, and that is probably why our exchange of words and mutual feelings towards each other are so genuine. Better yet, they are all really hilarious and that's the best part- I can be myself and laugh all I want to hahaha, even when it's actually ultra embarrassing that I probably appear to be so spastic. Hmm, orientation went quite well and that helped too! Added bonus I guess ^^

Hi Eychelle you are really retarded but that's alright because you are so funny. Hehehehehahhahaha! Love hanging out with the og mates too despite all the purposeful scandals they made up about me. All untrue!! Haha but they are really nice people! I'll never forget night walk during orientation where I totally pushed the shower button out of fear and drenched Colin thinking the 'ghosts' did it hahaha and Hayyu (so annoying zzomg.) actually offered me to them knowing I was so frightened out of my wits. Then there's Sarah who shares my humor and understands what's so funny even when I'm silent HAHA.     

Oh we are already given groups for our Comms class HAHA and I REALLY LOVE MY GROUP. Thank God we feel so comfortable with each other. They are all so funny omgggg. The introductory video we made (immediately after class) was EPIC I can't stop laughing at the thought of it. Of course the (SUPER RETARDED) sound effects helped a lot hahaha.

I saw Andrew on the first day and I was somewhat relieved knowing there is someone I can always rely on if all else fails. Hopefully not, God willing. :-) Haha oh yeah and I can always hitch a ride from him if I'm feeling lazy or broke. No idea how that will work out though..............just saying haha!

Gymming with Eychelle before class yesterday was awesome too. Although I'm sorta perturbed that I am so unfit now.... zzzzz. Not to mention looking so noob in front of Marcus and Saxobeat. HAHA aiya who cares right. It was fun nevertheless! Okay healthy living c'mon man hahaha. Wootsss but my arms are aching so badly now that I'm actually secretly relishing the sensation every time I lift my arms up! I feel sick. LOL.

Oh and Singapore is so small. Upon reaching BBDC today, I saw one of my schoolmates and we actually acknowledged each other even though we never really talked before hahah it was quite amusing because I wasn't sure I got the right person! I think he was thinking the same too HAHA. Hmm driving simulator was interestingggggg.

My thoughts are so random now. Got to do with my brain slowly shutting down after a long day I guess...................But anyway, on top of everything else, I really miss my friendsssss :( J, I feel like I haven't spoke to you in ages and it saddens me. Sigh. Then again, see you and the rest (Daphhhh and Nat and Pling) on Friday night!! Daphne L you are so sweet to fight for tix for me hahaha :}

I don't hope for much right now. While everything is still uncertain and things and people are constantly changing, leaving... I must say it is best not to get overly attached. People always leave. That's the norm. For all I know, next week from now I might be facing everything all alone again, after newfound friends make their own plans and go their way (as they should..) But oh well, I'm not in control. Everything's great now and that's all that counts, here and now. Great simply because I don't look too far ahead. I can't afford to. And so for now, all I can do is to get the most out of what is within my reach and be contented. Of course, it would be for the best if things remain the same two or even three years from now... or maybe even get better, but right now I'm just glad and I thank God.

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