Friday, August 12, 2011

Spirit in the Night

You. girls. are. awesome.

Such simple times when the night is actually so calming, it makes you happy enough just to be with the people you love hanging out with. :)

The superwoman who did ALL the picnic preparation, transformed into a mega hip DJ, and most importantly brought along her imba self.

Memories like these, moments that hover and pass.

"E.E. Cummings once wrote; 'To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.'"

And to be myself in front of these two people, is absolutely not something I have to struggle with. I love them for who they are, and for loving me the way I am. It's a blessing, an undeserving one on my part, for these two wonderful friends in my life. I don't even know if 'friends' is sufficient to convey how significant they are to me! They are so amiable and trustworthy, so giving and fiercely dependable. This post is nearly 3 weeks late, but the greatness of my appreciation for what they have done for my birthday haven't change at all, if anything I just learn to treasure them more. :}

Xiaofei, I will never forget our first encounter, from the first few words you said to me the first day I went for training(HAHA), to gymming together and to tau huey. Most of all, I know these epic moments will not stop there, as proven on my 18th birthday(heehee!), and also because we have a deal with your-new-friend-Lynnie that the three of us will be awaiting the marvelous trip to Barca with much anticipation. And trust me, it won't stop there! I must have said it thousands of times, but you made my 18th so ingrained that I won't say "thank you" anymore, but I love you so. Okay, now you can die from cheesiness and excessive goosebumps HEEHEE :D

And Toh Wuen Lynn, for more than 5 years now we've grown from complete strangers to acquintances, to teammates, to friends, and finally, lovers. HAHA I'm kidding, in case any one gets the wrong idea LOL. Nah I'm definitely joking because you know I'm straight and there's the U-18 Rugby shirt guy at Holland V, remember? HAHAHA, okay that's not the point. (if ever he comes across this then I'll just drop dead and die teehee!) You know we are so close we actually feel comfortable stoning in each other's presence and just relishing every moment we have together, and that knowledge alone comforts my heart so much whenever I am feeling alone. This never loses its meaning: I don't know what it will be like for me without you now that I've grown so accustomed to having you there with me going through nearly every important stage of our lives (since sec 1) together. From the smallest (Cedar bball team conflicts haha) to the most challenging obstacles ('A' lvls in less than 3 months!!), we've been there for each other and I can only wish with all my heart that all these that we experience together will only be a glimpse of how our friendship will grow and become in future, that in a long time to come we'll still be travelling side by side! The birthday surprise was completely unexpected, but everything you know I want for my two unbelivably good friends. I know you know me hehh. I love you Lynnie!

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