Friday, November 26, 2010

It all starts at the library.

Let's fly the time machine back to several months ago.

The day Jia Ai was absent, the day Ping Ling, Natalie, and I walked into the library occupied with both the J1s and J2s, with no free tables for us to sit down and slack, was the day we met Daphne.

What a pretty girl. We all must have secretly thought deep down our hearts. And maybe that's what formed our first impression of her- cold and unapproachable. How wrong I was. I never expected us to turn out being such great friends, honestly. But now that we are, despite all difficulties and lack of opportunities for us to gather and have hthts, I thank God with all my heart.

Others call it fate that we became friends at the library. I say it's God's plan. I don't think I would ever forget, or want to forget, how happy you made all of us then with surprising lame jokes that come out from your mouth, or act cute expressions which totally don't fit your gentle ladylike face. Haha, I miss that so much.

Today marks the last day of our J1 year. I thought I'd experience feelings of sorrow and a tinge of melancholy, but the school day was so normal that I cannot bring myself to register this very fact that next year things will all be so different. There are definitely the good and bad, but I can safely say the bad would definitely be the friends I'll miss so much. Daphne, things will be really different without you. I can understand her p.o.v and so no hard feelings about her abscence for this whole week, just perhaps, that emptiness when you miss someone so much. I'm thankful for Jia Ai, because otherwise I couldn't imagine what would be left of me in SA. Without Jia Ai, without Daphne, without Nat's bubbly and same-wavelength-kind-of-humour-as-mag, without Pling, it wouldn't be the same, no. But in spite of all of that, I have to admit, finally, that we are really not that close after all. The Cereal Killers. Reality bites, I know. Sadly.

But I can't silence the fact that Daph and JA have changed me so much in ways I never knew. Even though I spend much lesser time with Daphne than perhaps even Nat, the times we had together-even those few times- were priceless to me and gold-like. The things she say always has the ability to make me reflect, cry, learn. As for Jia Ai, it's the littlest things to the most important experiences that shape me to become more sensitive, more mature, and more insightful. Although there are probably countless times conflicts arise between us and we start to have mini cold wars and mutual misunderstandings, I thank God for always resolving them in the end. And each conflict always teaches me a lesson, of course, not before breaking me down into humble little pieces. She makes me real sad and maddened sometimes just like how I think I unknowingly annoy her at times, but for the most, she makes up most of my happy memories in SA. So the two of you, if for the past year, I've said or done hurtful things that keep coming back upon remembering, I'm sorry. That was never my intention.

God knows how many times I stand in awe of the fact that I've grown to be so reliant on them the past year. It was so different from what I promised myself at the start of the year- to not trust anyone completely because this way, the probability that I'd get hurt would be reduced to the lowest. I failed. But I'm happy I did, because in return, I earned wonderful, lovely friends like them. Thank God.

Only after reading certain text messages, that I really felt waves of emotions. I hate to have regrets, but I regret not being a better classmate or friend to some people. I regret not giving my all to make this half of our JC journey more memorable.

The will of God can never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Worlds Apart.

Sometimes no matter how much you love someone, that person just can't love you back the way you want him/her to, and you just gotta accept that.

It's already November in the blink of an eye, and soon it'll turn into December, the most romantic month of the year in my eyes. The Christmas season which is supposedly filled with love, joy and hope, always keeps me eagerly awaiting. No matter how bleak our situation may be, I believe our hearts will be warmed when we immerse ourselves in such a joyous occasion. But it also at this point of time, we start reflecting on the whole year, and struggle with the regrets and wrong choices we made, having to face our painful mistakes. But above all, praise God for such a special and in my case, different year. This year brought me many spectacular experiences and taught me many ineffaceable lessons. Remarkable ones. But more about that later.

Today's a very special day. It simply holds so much memories for me. Too much for my own good. I keep saying "that's okay", maybe even if I don't genuinely agree with myself, but that's the only thing I can do; to accept the truth and move on. A continuous process I have to go through, because it's easier said than done to just pretend nothing ever happened. That is, on my part. But like I said, it's okay, because I know God must have His own reason for allowing these feelings I face. If it is His will for me to close this small chapter of my life, He'll allow it to come to pass in time.

I know I keep saying it's over, but reality is after all, a separate thing altogether from my heart. This heart of mine, which keeps beating with a rhythm different from that of the world I'm living in. I need time for my heart to register the truth I've been facing and hiding from at the same time.

We are worlds apart, and I used to think that's what makes us special. Haha, so I guess the heart makes wrong decisions too.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When tears don't help anymore.

Sometimes, I wonder why I'm so hateful.

I know exactly how important and sacrificial you are, and how I need to cherish every living moment with you because I'm only left with you in this cruel and deluding family... yet I've grown to become the disgusting kind of person I hate over the years. I despise myself for that. I keep telling myself to change, but I'm unsure of how to. I keep trying to find excuses to defend myself, but at the end of the day I wonder how different I actually am from those people if I continue to behave this way. And because I'm really sorry, it seems even more difficult to utter that five letter word. And when I do, I don't have confidence that it'll make you feel any better. My contrite heart can no longer deceive myself into believing I'm the goody two shoes I might have once been, but not anymore. I've changed. And for that I'm repulsed.

I know what's done cannot be changed, but from here onwards, I promise to make an effort. A greater effort to do what I'm supposed to, and to forget that which is an obstacle to a renewed life.

Good thing I have God, my Father and Saviour. No amount of gratitude can repay Him for my salvation, or His forgiveness towards me. The past weeks and months have been testing. An emotional wreck, drained, weary, and faithless, I'm not proud of it at all. I just hope one day, soon, I can look past all these and start becoming a better person, worthy of being loved.

I've hurt the people around me who truly love and care for me. I'm been so oblivious to the wounds I inflict on them time and time again, focusing only on my pain, my joy, my predicaments. Insensitive and selfish, yet so eager for love and understanding. I am, in my own eyes, in fact the worst creature on earth.

God forgive me, I'm been so unlovable and bitter.

You know what hurts me more than my own pain? When I see the grief and torment I impose on the people I love the most. When I know I have hurt them without being brave to acknowledge it. When I fail to recognise they are hurting more than I am. When I return their love for me with an absent and unbearable attitude. This rips me apart more than anything else. I rather be afflicted by someone else than to cause one's torment. Especially the ones I love.

Really, sorry.

Thursday, November 4, 2010











Inevitably, it all boils down to this.

Just this last time, one more time.